Искусственный голос и синтез речи - 语音合成
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语音合成技术和文本语音转换 - Synthetic voice and Text to Speech technology - Синтетический голос и технологии преобразования текста в речь
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Обработка звука и синтез речи

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 bot :: Пн Мар 09 2009, 21:01
Обработка звука и синтез речи FT09PX19cfHx+Pj4wAAAAAAAAAAACH+OjxDT1BZPkNvcHlyaWdodCAyMDA0IFRoZSBwaHBCQiBHcm91cCwgQWxsIFJpZ2h0cyBSZXNlcnZlZC4AIfkEAQAADQAsAAAAAAsACQAABCmwNUCpvDNoi4EWVUcQCEIAnaAKDHoBSnIchisBSaEP9mQMgwWvUwk1IgA7Пн Мар 09 2009, 21:01

Digital audio processing and speech synthesis
Introduction to the Java Speech API - A short introduction to speech synthesis with the Java speech API 1.0

Speech Synthesis
Overview article from free encyclopedia Wikipedia.

Speech Synthesis Markup Language
The current version of the (draft) proposal for an XML-based Speech Synthesis Markup Language, as part of the W3C's Speech Interface Framework. This is an industry standard in the making.

Tutorial On Speech Synthesis
Interactive tutorial of speech synthesis technology by German university.

Speech Filing System
Tools for Speech Research - SFS provides a computing environment for conducting research into the nature of speech. It comprises free software tools; special file and data formats; subroutine libraries for I/O, signal processing and graphics; use and documentation standards; and special programming languages.

Chant VoiceMarkupKit
Chant VoiceMarkupKit component library simplifies the process of generating Microsoft SAPI 4, Microsoft SAPI 5, and W3C SSML (Cepstral) markup language to use with your favorite speech synthesizers. VoiceMarkupKit 2 Win32 Developer Edition includes ActiveX, CDLL, Java, .NET Framework, and VCL component library formats to support all your programming languages and provides sample projects for popular IDEs—such as the latest Visual Studio 2008 from Microsoft.

Polfonetika - A research and development company specializing in speech and language engineering for Polish. Offers open source tools.

Cassette of Phonetic Sounds
For speech researchers interested in a standard for phonetic sounds. From University College of London.

Centre for Speech Technology Research
Multidisciplinary research centre that undertakes application-oriented speech research mainly in the areas of speech recognition and synthesis. Has implemented useful software, like the Festival speech synthesis system. Interested in collaborating with outside academic or industrial partners.

Farsi speech research
Speech processing in Farsi, especially speech enhancement, by Saeed Ayat, Tehran.

Haskins Laboratory at Yale University
Concentrates on speech synthesis, speech perception.

The Johns Hopkins Center for Language and Speech Processing (CLSP)
A university research program whose areas of research include language modeling, natural language processing, neural auditory processing, acoustic processing, optimality theory, and language acquisition. Information about its research, courses, seminars and research workshops.

Microsoft Speech Technology Group
Engages in research and development of speech technologies in a wide range of applications, including speech recognition (Whisper) and speech synthesis (Whistler) and Dr. Who.

MIT Spoken Language Systems Group
Research initiatives for improving the interaction between people and computers via natural spoken language. Publications, news and events, and profiles of researchers.

Russian Speech Database
Russian firm offering a large collection of wav files containing Russian speaker samples on CD. Useful for voice and speech recognition research.

Speech Processing and Signal Analysis Group FEL CTU
Czech Technical University research focusing on enhancement of speech in the running car environment, speech recognition and to creating of databases of natural language. Demo available for doing spectral subtraction on your own data.

Speech Recognition Group, Univ. of Cambridge
The Speech Recognition Group is part of the Machine Intelligence Lab at the University of Cambridge. Its primary area of research is large vocabulary speech transcription. Its research interests also include spoken dialogue systems, multimedia document retrieval, speech synthesis and machine learning.

Speech synthesis and prosody papers
Webpages of Dimitris Spiliotopoulos. Research in speech synthesis, intonation, prosody, natural language, talking robots.

STTS - Speech Technology Services
Offers development of technology for speech synthesis, speech recognition and lexica. Based in Stockholm.

Vishwac Sena
Speech recognition and synthesis based research activities and research papers. Particular focus on neural speech modeling, speech recognition and synthesis in virtual reality agents and virtual reality dramas.

IEEE 1997 Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics.

Dictation Without Wires or Monitor
Graduate student thesis which may give ideas for difficult environments. Mostly in German, but there is also an English page (click flag). Approach develops a little bit of intelligence between speech recognition and text to speech engine.

IDIAP Speech Processing Group
Research and development of recognition and understanding techniques for realistic speaking styles and acoustic conditions, as well as speaker verification and identification techniques.

Museum of Speech Analysis and Synthesis
Pictures of early voice synthesizors hosted by UCSC - site seems always under construction.

Speech Informatics Group
Main research directions are speech recognition/understanding, methodology of speech dialogue systems, applied systems, hidden Markov algorithms.

German text-to-speech systems
A commented overview of commercial and scientific TTS (text-to-speech) -systems for the German language with examples.

Speech Language Processing Professional Society
This site acts as a coordinating place for meetings and keeps large database about research in the field. Professional name - COCOSDA.

This is a Pocket PC 2003 compile of the FLITE 1. 3 speech synthesis engine. FLITE is a subset of the fine Festival engine. It offers a full text to speech system with various APIs, as well as an environment for development and research of speech synthesis techniques.

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Сообщений : 317
Репутация : 12

 bot :: Пн Мар 09 2009, 21:30
Обработка звука и синтез речи FT09PX19cfHx+Pj4wAAAAAAAAAAACH+OjxDT1BZPkNvcHlyaWdodCAyMDA0IFRoZSBwaHBCQiBHcm91cCwgQWxsIFJpZ2h0cyBSZXNlcnZlZC4AIfkEAQAADQAsAAAAAAsACQAABCmwNUCpvDNoi4EWVUcQCEIAnaAKDHoBSnIchisBSaEP9mQMgwWvUwk1IgA7Пн Мар 09 2009, 21:30

Andrea Electronics Corporation
Andrea Electronics manufactures noise cancelling algorithms to eliminate background noise.

Appen Speech and Language Technology Inc
Appen develops dictionaries for TTS software.

CSR develops software which removes background noise from the received signal.

European Languages Resources Association (ELRA)
ELRA hosts a database of speech and other resources including a large number of language databases.

KayPentax (formerly Kay Elemetrics Corp)
KayPentax develops speech analysis and therapy tools which is able to be used by developers of recognition software.

Linguatec Sprachtechnologien GmbH
Linguatec Sprachtechnologien develops speech recognition vocabularies for IBM ViaVoice.

Nemesysco develops vocal analysis and emotion detection technologies for security and fraud-prevention applications.

National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NiCT)
NiCT develops developed dictionaries used for language analysis.

Speech Technology Center
The Speech Technology Center develops speech enhancement software for PC (Sound Cleaner, Denoiser ClearVoice, Denoiser-by-Reference) and DSP-based applications (ANF, Denoiser DSP), audio analysis software (SiS), professional dictaphones (Gnome family). The Speech Technology Center also develops speech recognition, text to speech and voice authentication software.

Speech Processing Expertise Centre (SPEX)
SPEX produces, validates and otherwise works with speech databases.

SRS Labs
SRS Labs develops software to enhance text-to-speech products

voiceINTERconnect develops echo cancellation software. voiceINTERconnect also develops speech recognition software and text to speech software.

Розпізнавання та синтез мовлення в Україні
Метою цього сайту є надання інформації про стан діяльності у галузі розпізнавання та синтезу мовлення в Україні.

Речевые технологии
Научно-технический журнал, содержание которого включает направления по речевой тематике, в том числе обзоры материалов конгрессов, конференций, семинаров, рабочих совещаний, а также небольшие заметки о текущих событиях в сфере речевых технологий.

Речевые технологии Исходники.RU
Группа по синтезу и распознаванию речи форума Исходники.RU - русскоязычного проекта программистов с большим набором разделов по разным тематикам программирования.

Речевые технологии (информационный портал)
Обзоры программ синтеза речи и распознавания голоса, голосового управления компьютером, описание, настройка, сравнение существующего программного обеспечения. Связь с авторами программ, возможность скачать новые версии. Подборка информации о цифровой обработке звука.

Speech Technology magazine
Speech Technology magazine recognized worldwide as the leading source of news, information, and analysis relating to the speech technology industry. It provide additional sources of news, information, and analysis through online communities and opt-in electronic distribution networks.

Special Interest Group on Speech Synthesis (SynSIG)
The aim of SynSIG is to promote the study of Speech Synthesis in general. Its international and multi-disciplinary nature provides a means for sharing information both to and from different research communities involved in the synthesis of various languages.

International Speech Communication Association (ISCA)
The association started as ESCA (European Speech Communication Association) became a international association in the global field of speech science and technology, changing its name to ISCA (International Speech Communication Association). The purpose of the association is to promote, in an international world-wide context, activities and exchanges in all fields related to speech communication science and technology. The association is aimed at all persons and institutions interested in fundamental research and technological development that aims at describing, explaining and reproducing the various aspects of human communication by speech, phonetics, linguistics, computer speech recognition and synthesis, speech compression, speaker recognition.

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